I thought it was pretty funny when I saw the following on the City and County of Denver Ballot Questions.
Initiated Ordinance 300
Shall the voters for the city and county of Denver adopt an initiated ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts, and donations.
I feel so much safer in Denver knowing that they will protect me from extraterrestrial intelligent beings and their vehicles. 🙂
That’s so funny. I’ve never heard of such a thing.
That’s awesome. I recently read an article (can’t for the life of me remember where) that talked about how a lot of cities and states are forming these committees – complete with full time employees who do nothing but prepare to welcome extraterrestrial beings. I totally want that job. Do you think Denver would hire a wannabe social worker to be an extraterrestrial cultural liaison?
Too funny. They don’t have that question in Douglas County. Hmmm…. I can’t believe that’s actually a question.
Holy crap. I can’t believe people get paid to do this stuff. And we vote on it!
Please tell me you voted no?
This is so ridiculous. And that’s coming from an Area 54 girl . . .
Are you people serious? This has nothing to do with the kind of aliens from outer space. Do your research. Voting yes means if you leave home without a license and/or registration and the police have reasonable cause to pull you over your vehicle could be impounded. It also might suggest racial profiling in an effort to track illegal immigrants. Why they can’t word these questions better is beyond me. Do people actually vote without reading the available information??? Yikes.
@lorell ummm. what? I think you might be confused with an ordinance proposed last year. The word “aliens” does not appear in this ordinance but the word “extraterrestrial” does.
In case you need help with such a big word, it means: originating, existing, or occurring outside the earth or its atmosphere
So unless you think illegal immigrants are from outside of the Earth’s atmosphere, I really have no idea what you are talking about. But thanks for the laugh.
lol..I was thinking the same thing reading these posts..These people should brush up b4 making important votes as such..WoW..Thats a scary thought on thinking about the people who vote just to say they voted but dont take the time to research the outcome..Just saying..LoL..Wow
This was an actual ordinance for extraterrestrial aliens. Thats a scary thought on thinking about the people who blog and think they know enough to tell someone to “brush up b4 making such important votes” when it’s actually them who are wrong.Before you blog, get your facts straight.