Which of the following headlines from the Salt Lake Tribune is not like the others?
-Consumer confidence darkens further in January
-Corning cuts 3,500 jobs as 4Q profit slumps
-Utah officials expect annual count to find increase in homeless
-Millcreek planners weigh new rules for McMansions
It’s ironic that in a time when many people are losing their jobs and homes, other people are fighting for their rights to build huge mansions. How did things get so out of balance?
What a cute blog Cassi! I loved the post on Greg Mortensen- I just finished reading Three Cups of Tea and loved it!!! He is so inspiring. Hey, where did you find your background? I love it.
I read this article today in the NY Times and it made me think of your post: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/07/your-money/07wealth.html?pagewanted=1&em
What do you think? -Anna
It is true that some people seem to be almost living in a different world. I love your blog and am glad I found it through Travis and Heather’s blog.